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When you select your trigger to be a learning plan event, but choose all courses…….what happens?


Does that mean the notification will apply to all learning plans that learner is enrolled in?


Does that mean that it will send that notification for each course? That doesn’t seem possible, but I’ve seen stranger.



Howdy Hoosier family.

Now that is an interesting question. I always thought of that as a not so great reuse of a UI.

Because the context is users and learning plans.

What happens when you go down door letter C?

Because your courses are in your learning plans - is that gonna dup or triplicate notifications????

You gonna test it? Cause I was too chicken to do so 🙂.


Um - check this one out….It may be a hint for you.


@dklinger  Ya, I am testing it, kind of. Unfortunately the specter of notifications issues reared it’s ugly head so my test was not conclusive. I’ll absolutely let you know what I find out!

Testing has been a little rough. Perform the test, then WAIT WAIT WAIT…..My first notification test took 24 hours to show up so I thought it was broken. I did have it set to ‘on event’ so I wasn’t expecting that much of a delay. Here’s the current results.


LP Add trigger set to “all courses” - Did only sent a single notification for each learning plan add.


LP Add trigger set to “all courses” - Did not send a notification if the learner was enrolled in a course and not a learning plan. I did not test if anything happens if the learner is enrolled in a course that is mapped to a learning plan.


LP Add trigger set to a specific learning plan - Does this weird thing where it shows 4 courses mapped in the notifications management area. But it did only send a single notification.


