
Share SCORM or HTML from a Page NOT from a Course

  • 14 December 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 4

I want to link to something created in Storyline or Rise from the homepage (an interactive guide to our site and possibly an interactive glossary).

Has anyone done this? What is the best way to offer this?

I think I can publish it as a website then use an iFrame. First I don’t know where to publish this (I don’t have a HTML server), and second I don’t want to send them outside of our Docebo site. I would prefer to keep it INSIDE to learn about the site.

Second option would be to create a course for the material, enroll EVERYONE then link to that course or course content (SCORM). Is this what people do? At least it will keep them INSIDE our Docebo site.

Maybe I’m trying to make this too easy and the solution is more complicated.

Ideas or suggestions appreciated.

I haven’t used CSS but it is on my “to learn” list, which is pretty long!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @tschoone , 

I have done this with Rise.  I created a sort of help center that housed How To videos and downloadable pdfs for our administrator power users.

The way to do this is you have to publish to the web, and you must put the published files on a server.  I worked with my IT to get cloud storage to host the material.  So if your organization has like AWS or Azure, you might be able to get with them to give you a place to host your material.  Alternatively, if your organization has a public website, get with the website team and see if they can help by hosting your Storyline/Rise files.  

For us, the best way to iframe the Rise course was to create a page that was an external link (rather than using the option to create a custom widget page).  This way, the user was able to see the full Rise course but could still see the top bar of Docebo, so it doesn’t look like you have left Docebo at all.  Users could still get to the User Menu or use the Global search. 

Your second option for using a course to display those materials would work, but keep in mind that all your users going in and interacting with training would make them count toward your active user limit.  So if you have power users that are not necessarily going to be taking training, they would be considered an active user because they are interacting with course material.  (That was why we determined to try and host the material outside of a course, so that we didn’t hit our active user limit with folks trying to download a pdf or view a video from a course).

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Yup, as @Annarose.Peterson describes, your option one is really the way to go, currently there is not a good way to re-use content not within a course shell. Having it hosted somewhere, your own server or a service like Articulate Cloud lets you iframe it into pages and keep users on the page and in the site.

I have done the second option, not enrolled everyone, but use full screen mode and auto launch and then use the ‘enrollment link’ for the course as the link around the platform to click on. This works to some degree, but can get confusing on returning to the course.
