Translations into multiple languages

  • 1 September 2022
  • 3 replies

Hello Community :) 

I see that there have been several conversations apropos of translations, although I though to reopene this topic, because as we know, technology is rushing forward. :) 

My challenge: we create courses in RISE and translate them into 28 languages. We are currently using agency. We are satisfied with the quality, unfortunately it costs a lot of time and $$$. 

My question is: how do you translate your courses? I'm looking for Best Practice/trix/hints; maybe there are some novelties on the market on this topic? 

Thanks in advance! 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @Karo 

We translate all our courses in-house, but only support three languages at the moment. I can’t imagine what it must be like managing courses in 28 languages! Our courses are currently video based, so we mainly translate scenarios and PowerPoints rather than RISE courses (although I assume the translation process is fairly similar between the two). One of the major improvements we’ve made in recent years is using machine translation to do the heavy lifting before checking and polishing the final versions. This works really well as long as the quality of the source language is high. We’ve found DeepL to be the best machine translator on the market. Their basic version is free, but you’ll need a paid version to use glossaries and integrate with a Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tool. If you ever shift to in-house translation, you’ll definitely need a CAT tool to maintain consistency and increase productivity. OmegaT is a good free tool, while SDL Trados and memoQ are probably the best paid tools.

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Unfortunately we have to provide an independent certification that the translation is accurate for our compliance office, so always stuck with an agency. Makes it a cost balance before adding more languages, the group has to justify before it is considered. 


Circling back to this conversation. Just starting to look at making content available in languages other than English. 

I appreciate the tool recommendations.

We had been looking at PoEditor? Which appears to allow articulate file extensions as those available for translation. However, I wasn’t sure if anyone has any experience with that tool? They don’t offer demos - just something you have to explore on your own and I don’t want to lock into something (even an inexpensive option) if it won’t be a credible/trustworthy translation source.
