⌛The wait is over...Ideas are now inside Docebo Community!

  • 11 November 2021
  • 17 replies
⌛The wait is over...Ideas are now inside Docebo Community!
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

We are so excited to tell you that the new ideas experience is here :tada:


Community members can now submit, vote and share ideas inside Docebo Community via the new Ideas page. We are thrilled to partner with this community to learn more about your ideas and we are committed to reviewing and investigating your ideas to develop better products.


:bulb:Have an idea? Do these 3 things before you submit a new idea: 


  1. Search before submitting an idea :mag_right:: Did you know, on average, 35% of all ideas submitted in Docebo’s previous ideas portal in 2021 were either duplicate ideas or already existed in current product? Chances are if you have an idea, another member may have had the same one! So be sure to check if someone already submitted an idea like yours 🙂 (click here to see how!). This will help us decrease duplicate ideas and, if you like or comment on an existing idea, it will push it back up to the top (which means more :eyes: on it!).
  1. Describe your idea with as much detail as possible :map:: Sometimes a screenshot can say more than a million words. The richer your description, the more likely we (and others!) will immediately know what you mean. It also may help increase the number of votes you get. (Take a look at this awesome format from @Jessica Overby, thanks Jessica!)
  1. One idea at a time :incoming_envelope:Please do not submit multiple ideas in one idea post. Otherwise, it becomes messy and nobody knows which feature people who voted actually want to be implemented. Submitting ideas is free, so go ahead and submit an idea post for each new idea (after you’ve made sure it doesn’t already exist, of course! :wink:)


:bar_chart:  Idea evaluation & status

When you submit a :new: idea, it will be tagged with the New status. Once an idea has been reviewed, we will change the status of the idea to reflect our plans with it.


Here’s the list of available Status options for an idea, along with a detailed description for each:

  • New: Idea is new and has not been opened. Ideas with a ‘New’ status can collect votes.
  • Open: The idea has been reviewed and is open for discussion and voting. This means that we think the idea is interesting, but we are not clear at this time as to how it will fit into the overall roadmap and would like to get some additional input from the community, therefore, we will leave it open to collect more feedback/votes. 
  • Needs More Information: The idea has been reviewed, but we need more detailed information to clarify the ask before we can determine an appropriate status.
  • Planned: The idea is on the roadmap or actively being built by the product team and you can expect updates within the idea topic.
  • Delivered: The idea has been implemented and is available.
  • Delivered (Partially): Part of this solution has been built and delivered, or there is another way to accomplish this in your learning platform.
  • Already Exists in Product: A similar or identical feature is already available.
  • Parked*: We reviewed the idea and find it interesting but are unable to move forward at this time. This could be because of the complexity of the idea, the value it might return, or the fact that the idea is not aligned with our product strategy. Parked ideas can still be voted on and could be opened again in the future if they gain enough votes/interest or if they become aligned with product vision.
  • Closed (Duplicate): Idea is a duplicate and will be merged.
  • Closed: We reviewed the idea and have concluded that it’s not something we have plans to work on. In addition, closed ideas may not actually be an idea and, therefore, may be converted into a Conversation or Question.


:rotating_light: *Additional details on Parked:

When an idea receives this status, it can have several reasons (which we will communicate):

  • This is not a good fit with our current product vision - we need to focus a certain amount of time on our vision, this makes sure we can make bigger, significant improvements in many fields at the same time.

  • Technical limitations - an improvement might have technical dependencies we need to resolve before we can pick it up (e.g. performance).

  • Return on investment - we get a lot of very good suggestions. However, sometimes the amount of time needed to be invested to realize an idea might be too high compared to the actual gain. Alternatively, it is simply that we could implement other, more meaningful/requested improvements at the same time.


We hope that you are not demotivated when one of your ideas receives this status. It may be a really great idea but we just can’t make it happen at the time the idea is submitted. Here’s the good news :speaking_head:: there’s a chance that Parked ideas may be reverted in the future! 


:handshake:Our commitment to your ideas

While we would love to be able to implement all your ideas, it’s important to understand that posting a new idea does not come with a guaranteed delivery. Collecting your ideas allows us the ability to better understand your challenges with the product and having a dedicated place inside the community for ideation will help us manage and centralize communication on your ideas.  


As we mentioned in this post, we’ve created a Voice of the Customer (VOC) development team. This is a team of rockstar developers whose sole responsibility is to deliver your ideas AND they want to hear from you. So, we introduced a new discussion category, Product Research & Design, where our VOC team can provide detailed information, screenshots and collect your valuable feedback to their specific questions about the ideas they are working on. Check it out and be sure to subscribe to the category, this way you’ll know when new feedback posts are live!


🟢 So...what are you waiting for?

Ok, that’s enough from us as we’re sure you are eager to check it out. We can’t wait for you to take a look through the ideas and to share and vote on them. If you’ve searched and can’t find an idea similar to the one you have, submit a brand new idea


We’re so ready for a new era of ideas inside Docebo Community. Let’s build something great together! :blue_heart:


If you have any questions/comments/feedback/suggestions on this new ideas experience, please let us know below. 



  • Only registered community members have access to the new ideas experience.
  • Idea reference numbers from the previous portal (i.e. LMS-I-1925, DL-I-2855) are no longer applicable.

17 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

HI @erin.brisson how do we get to the ideas I posted already? I have no idea what they were but i had like 35-40...hoping this is not lost :pensive:

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hey @lrnlab, for any ideas that were part of the migration, you should see them in your Posts within your profile. I put a screenshot in this post.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@erin.brisson - A question - if something was flagged as planned and then got changed to just open…is there anyone we can followup with?

Userlevel 1

@erin.brisson - I’m not seeing any of my ideas in my posts listing, and my system admin (Caitlin Leick) only sees 1 of her ideas (she had submitted 10). On the 1 idea in her post, it says there are 7 replies, but when she looks at the idea, there are no replies. 

Why weren’t all ideas brought over for transparency as part of the migration (even if they were to be noted as Closed-Duplicate)? It seems like the migration only partially took place. Also, please bring back:

  • The ability to filter from the Ideas homepage on My Ideas and My Upvotes
  • Idea IDs - unless you have a specific URL, it’s MUCH harder to find/validate specific ideas to upvote
Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @erin.brisson like some of the previous posters I can’t seem to find the ideas I posted before the migration. I believe I posted three ideas, but I can only find the most recent one in my Posts. It would also be good to be able to see the other ideas I voted for as was possible before the migration. There was a particular idea that all our users are waiting for and now I’m not sure how to locate it to check on its status.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@erin.brisson - A question - if something was flagged as planned and then got changed to just open…is there anyone we can followup with?

Hey @dklinger, in the old ideas portal the definition of ‘Planned’ didn’t signify a timeline whereas, with the new status, if an idea goes to ‘Planned’ it means it’s actively being worked on and is set in our roadmap. You can see the updated status definitions here. Reach out to your CXM if you want to discuss further!

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@Katie Freeman and @Daniel, we recommend that you follow up with your CXM if you have any questions about specific ideas that you submitted or voted on in the old ideas portal that you cannot find here in the community.

With this migration, we took the opportunity to reprioritize and evaluate the ideas and customer problems that align with our product vision and direction. As a result, we made the decision to only pull over a subset of ideas. We made the same decision related to replies. Many of the comments in the old ideas portal addressed features or functionality that have since been improved. We opted for a fresh start to collect relevant customer feedback and we encourage you to review & comment on the ideas we migrated. 

We’re excited for these changes and shared more in this post why we are confident that this transition will allow us to be more transparent and responsive to your ideas.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@erin.brisson Thanks for the clarification. With regards to the number of votes each idea has, am I right in assuming that only votes from current members of Docebo Community are counted? 

Userlevel 2

I understand My Ideas submitted will appear on my Profile, but is there a way to filter to view My Upvotes? And is it correct that the Upvote button will appear light blue for any ideas I’ve already upvoted?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@erin.brisson Thanks for the clarification. With regards to the number of votes each idea has, am I right in assuming that only votes from current members of Docebo Community are counted? 

Yes, that assumption is correct and we made sure to bring over the votes for the migrated ideas that were associated with an exising community member account.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

I understand My Ideas submitted will appear on my Profile, but is there a way to filter to view My Upvotes? And is it correct that the Upvote button will appear light blue for any ideas I’ve already upvoted?

At this time, there is no way to filter on your upvotes but, you are correct, you can see which ones you’ve voted as they will be light blue.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi! Question, my idea has been up now for several weeks and has 35 votes and several comments, but is still marked “New” and unopened by the Docebo team. Above you say new ideas are reviewed within a week...is that an accurate timeframe? When can I expect my idea to be set to “Open” since I’ve gotten so many votes on it?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi! Question, my idea has been up now for several weeks and has 35 votes and several comments, but is still marked “New” and unopened by the Docebo team. Above you say new ideas are reviewed within a week...is that an accurate timeframe? When can I expect my idea to be set to “Open” since I’ve gotten so many votes on it?

Thanks for reaching out @JEntis and apologies for the delay. Yes, we are trying our best to review and update status within a week. After a little digging, I’m not sure how, but this one got missed in our grooming. I will add it to this week’s and will provide an update as soon as I have it. Apologies for this and thank you so much for your patience!

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

@erin.brisson can you edit the title of an idea you have submitted? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@Lucy Dolphin apologies for the delay. Unfortunately you can’t, but if you want to make an edit, you can DM me.

Userlevel 1

@erin.brisson is it possible to filter and see only the ideas that have been upvoted by me? I am not able to find such a search anywhere. THANK YOU!

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@erin.brisson is it possible to filter and see only the ideas that have been upvoted by me? I am not able to find such a search anywhere. THANK YOU!

Hi @nawc6m1, apologies for the delay. Unfortunately, this functionality doesn’t currently exist but hopefully it will be a feature released in the feature.
