[Updated] Did you hear? We're bringing Ideas into Docebo Community!

  • 6 October 2021
  • 11 replies
[Updated] Did you hear? We're bringing Ideas into Docebo Community!
Userlevel 7
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 🎉  Update as of Nov 11: The new ideas experience is live! Check out the new page here.



Managing ideas has always been a careful balancing act at Docebo. Our customers and employees are the best in the business when it comes to sharing brilliant ideas for ways to improve our products. Our customer experience team loves helping ensure that our customers’ ideas are seen, shared, and considered and our product team loves browsing through the ideas portal for inspiration for their roadmaps.


Over the past few years, we’ve moved to monthly product releases and weekly maintenance releases. We’ve also relaunched our Ideas portal, changing statuses and processes to review those ideas, in addition to tremendously scaling our product development team. While these improvements have helped us deliver hundreds of ideas (and thousands of votes :thumbsup:), we are still not satisfied with where we are today.


We want to do better. So, we have been hard at work to make meaningful changes to our tooling, our people, and our processes.


What’s changing?

Let’s start with the tooling :tools:. We’ve heard you loud and clear and are excited to announce that Ideas are coming to the community! Since launching the community, we’ve heard customers share how they’d like to see ideas in the community, and we couldn’t agree more. With Docebo’s October release, you’ll be able to create, view, upvote, and share ideas directly in the community. 


Next, let’s talk about the people :busts_in_silhouette:. We have an incredible product development team here at Docebo that is organized by product area. Different product owners own different products and each product owner is responsible for ideas related to their products. Simple enough, right? Well, as simple as it seems, these product owners balance a lot, and idea delivery is only a small part of their total responsibility.


The time limitation of our product owners is a challenge but we knew we needed to find a solution because we get so much joy from delivering ideas from our customers. So, we’re thrilled to introduce :loudspeaker:Docebo’s Voice of the Customer development team. This is a team of rockstar developers whose sole responsibility is to deliver your ideas. If you didn’t ask for it, they won’t develop it. Pretty neat, huh? We think so too. In fact, we’ll be unveiling the first features delivered by this team very soon.


Now onto the process :new:. We receive a lot of ideas. It’s not uncommon for Docebo to receive upwards of 50 ideas per week. That’s why we’ve established an idea review committee that reviews, prioritizes, responds, and updates statuses for every idea our customers submit on a weekly basis. We have also kicked off monthly idea prioritization meetings with our Voice of the Customer dev team to determine which ideas should receive the greatest focus from our developers.


We are confident these changes will positively impact the ideas experience moving forward.


What’s in it for you?

  • Easier to share ideas, helping you gain momentum on your ideas more quickly

  • More transparency into the development process

  • Stronger voice and greater influence on product direction

  • Better alignment with Docebo’s product vision


What’s next?

During the maintenance release the week of October 20th, we’ll be removing access to Docebo’s current ideas portal from the communication center, which we’re referring to as the “idea freeze:comet:. During this period, we will be freezing the ability to post new ideas while we migrate a number of ideas from the previous ideas portal into the community. Once the migration is complete, we’ll unveil the new ideas experience as a part of Docebo’s October monthly product release.


We can’t wait to continue collaborating on ideas inside Docebo Community to build world-class products!

11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Can I get a hallelujah!! Thanks Docebians! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Can I get a hallelujah!! Thanks Docebians! 



Userlevel 3

Love to be able to see if we are the only ones with same idea of needs we have, what other ideas are submitted, and if anyone has same idea we have. 

Userlevel 3

One other thing that would be nice to see...During Inspire we had all these ideas that would be coming. A lot of them my company is anxiously awaiting to make the experience better for our users and managers.

A tentative date or even quarter we might see these changes would be helpful. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

That’s great @erin.brisson 

Would be awesome if that new experience will make it easier to find duplicate suggestions and to aggregate votes and discussions from similar ideas falling into a specific functional area.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

I think we should have “idea rallies”. At the idea rally? We do the elevator pitch for the idea to others in the community. If they like? They mark the idea with their vote. That simple! 

Just like there are sprints in the development of products? We should have idea rally events to push our ideas.it would also be helpful to know the threshold we need to meet? To get an idea to become escalated to the next level of likeliness of being worked on.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Oh. @erin.brisson is there a way to join the idea committee? Or is it purely internal???

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@dklinger right now the idea committee is internal only. Your suggestion is interesting and something I’ll definitely look into. I will say, though, while we do our very best, even with the most popular ideas, there can be potential limitations with scope of work and timing that we face. We understand how important these ideas are (that’s why we have a dedicated team!) and we’ll continue adding them to the queue as soon as we can.

Userlevel 1

Is there an update on when we can submit ideas again?  Will there be instructions on the new process?  How will we be able to track the ideas we submitted in the previous portal?


Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Is there an update on when we can submit ideas again?  Will there be instructions on the new process?  How will we be able to track the ideas we submitted in the previous portal?


Hi @lhamilton, we are currently in the final stages of the migration and are hoping for the new ideas experience to be inside Docebo Community VERY soon! We’ll provide further details on the new experience that includes 3 things you need to do before submitting a new idea.

Also, submitting a new idea is as simple as creating a new topic but instead of having only two options (Question or Conversation), you will now have the option to select Idea. Here’s a sneak peek :wink:

If you have an idea that was part of the migration, once the migration is complete, you should see it within your Posts. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@lhamilton I wasn’t lying yesterday when I said the new ideas experience would be here VERY soon because...ideas are HERE :relaxed:
