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403 Error on Custom Page & It replaces the Home Page

  • 2 November 2021
  • 3 replies

We’re trying to release our first custom page associated with a Performance Program that we’ve released company-wide. I’ve added the page to the 4 menus that have been customized for employees in different areas of the company. It seems to be working for 3 of the menus, but on the 4th - which goes to MOST of our employees, we’re experiencing the following:

  1. User clicks a direct link (we plan to use this in an email)
  2. User is logged in via SSO and the custom page shows briefly, and then bounces to a 403 error
  3. User clicks their home page link in the breadcrumb trail, and the custom page displays
    This is associated with a breadcrumb trail that now lists the home page twice (My Learning Home > My Learning Home) - it’s not supposed to, so this is odd, and the custom page has taken on the title and subtitle of the home page.
  4. User clicks the home page in the menu, and the custom page displays

I’ve even completely recreated the menu in case there was some corruption, and the problem remains.


Anyone have anything similar happen? Ideas?

Thank you,


Okay… I get to answer my own question!!  But rather than delete it, I’ll share what I learned.

We created a page with direct links to resources and showing two channels - one for our Managers, and one for our Individual Contributors. The issue ended up being that Individual Contributors did not have access to the Manager channel, but Managers had access to both. So, our Individual Contributors were having issues accessing the page. 


Lesson Learned - in order to access a page, users must have access to EVERYTHING on the page. 

@JGildea another tip I found very useful was to use “hidden menus” to display and provide access to pages ‘behind the scenes’ works quite well but be sure to follow the instructions carefully when setting up:


Awesome tip! Thank you for this. :-)  Very helpful. 
