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I have read through all the material on using equivalencies and I am struggling to figure out how to assign source and target. Here is my scenario

We have a learning plan that includes an e-learning class that contains links to register for an ILT course that is not in the learning plan. 

hat we want to do is create an equivalence so that when the learner completes one of the multiple ILT offerings they are marked as having completed the e-learning class in the learning plan. This in turn will mark the learning plan complete. 

My question is How to I link them?

Is this correct?

  • E-Learning class in learning plan is set as a target for all of the ILT classes
  • Each ILT Class is set as the source for the e-learning class?

Or am I backwards and it should be

  • E-Learning class in learning plan is set as a source for all of the ILT classes
  • Each ILT Class is set as the target for the e-learning class?

Thanks in advance

yes that is correct...the course you want marked as completed based on the completion of another course is your target. The source or sources are the courses that the user must complete in order to get credit for the court they do not complete...does that make sense? 

yes that is correct...the course you want marked as completed based on the completion of another course is your target. The source or sources are the courses that the user must complete in order to get credit for the court they do not complete...does that make sense? 

this makes sense. To clarify If I have multiple source courses do they all have to be completed or any of them can be completed?


any one will do...I always stress this when trying out new things...pleas create some test courses and test, test, test to make sure it does what you hope it will...

any one will do...I always stress this when trying out new things...pleas create some test courses and test, test, test to make sure it does what you hope it will...

Absolutely agree. There is a huge test phase we have planned as this is just a small part of a larger program. Now I need to figure out how to create an elearning course that is only marked complete when it’s source class is completed. 


you can just create a shell course for the one you need marked complete by way of another doesn't need any content, etc.

It needs some content as we are using this elearning class as a path to register for the ILT class. But I suppose I could add another class as the shell. 



exactly...we do the same for a course users never interact with but is marked complete by way of 2 other courses and when marked complete, it also grants their certtification.
