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Anyone having issues with SCORM files being marked as complete in the new course player?

  • 18 March 2024
  • 7 replies

We have launched the new course player and want to encourage users to use the internal navigation < >next lesson. In testing we realized that the 12 scorm files (lessons) we have are not being marked as complete if users navigate to the next lesson using the internal player navigation, despite going through every slide on the lesson. The setting for completion in Captivate is visiting 100% of slides - most lessons are 3 slides plus a KC. If a user closes the lesson, the SCORM is marked as complete. Am I missing something in a setting or do users really need to close out a lesson before navigating to the next?


7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Sounds like you need to add a completion trigger to your last slide to make sure it passes the status to the LMS before the lesson is closed. If you have it set to track on exit, I may not work with the Lightbox controls. Do you launch inline or on a new tab? maybe that would help? May be worth testing before tampering with your SCORM package.

Thanks @lrnlab tried your suggestion moving it out of lightbox, but still didn’t work. I have it set now in Captivate 12 to mark as complete if user accesses and am sending data on every slide - that seems to have done the trick. Not the way I wanted it to work, but it works. Will keep at it to see if I can find a better solution.

Thanks again!

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@suzanneearl - can you score your KCs and set that as your completion criteria for the one SCO? If it is the last interaction - a score of a successful KC may work for ya.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@suzanneearl glad to help.

Got this working by sending quiz scores (graded) even though I am using knowledge checks (ungraded) in the modules. I appreciate this community!

Userlevel 2

We have the same issue, but are using a third party SCORM (iHasco)

It generates a score to pass, but how do we use that to force docebo to not mark as complete on “next”?

None of the player view fixes work (full screen/inline etc). As soon as the user touches a “next” anywhere in the course it gets marked as complete

I’m going crazy here!

Userlevel 2

None of the player view fixes work (full screen/inline etc). As soon as the user touches a “next” anywhere in the course it gets marked as complete

In the short term we have gone with “inline” not ideal, but it does reduce some opportunity for users to accidentally click on a “next”
