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  1. Courses that have no training material.
  2. Users with no courses or learning plans assigned.

I’m planning some fun end-of-year data cleanup. Thanks!

heck I am adding myself to see if you get a response.

These curation activities can be really important over time..


I couldn’t find an easy way to get these reports from Docebo. It would be great to have these reports for audit/monitoring

Morning - thinking a little more deeply about this:

  • I don’t think you will get number 1 without something from the API (other than if you do a monster run - and I havent tried this - to report on all course activity).
  • #2 you can probably get to the detail needed with 2 different reports that are doable (and a little bit of love after)
    • You can run a report on users to understand who has never logged in ndepending on how you are mapping onboarding learning (if you are)]? this maybe effective for knowing the block of people that have not
    • Run a full report on all courses and included the enrollment status - you can pull if they are enrolled or not with a pivot you may be able to tame it accordingly.

Not elegant - but doable.


For #1 using the API will probably be the easiest way.

You first get the list of all courses using the “/course/v1/courses” API
and then you iterate through all courses calling the “/learn/v1/courses/{courseId}/los” API and checking the number of learning objects, and listing those with none.


For #2 I did use two standard reports to get this list:

  • first I pulled the list of all enrollments on the platform (Users-Courses), and using Excel, I got the list of unique usernames for those who have at least one enrollment.
  • second I pulled the list of all Users (Users) in the system, and again in Excel filtered out those who are not on the list of those with enrollments.
