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Asset Insights Dashboard

  • 18 June 2024
  • 5 replies

Is there a way to use the new Insights to create a dashboard reporting on Asset views? The Assets are not within a Channel or Course? Thanks  

That data cube hasn’t been added to Insights yet...

@lrnlab Will there be a data cube that shows training materials, and how they are assigned to courses, LPs, catalogs, channels, etc? Kinda like doing an DAM inventory of what’s in the platform?

@lrnlab Will there be a data cube that shows training materials, and how they are assigned to courses, LPs, catalogs, channels, etc? Kinda like doing an DAM inventory of what’s in the platform?

Not sure what amount of data we’ll eventually see for training materials...I would probably assume about the same as we now but with the addition of the great filters we have with insights...Maybe @laurent.balagué can tell us?

Hello everyone, yes Assets will be covered with a dedicated Insights dashboard. We don’t have a timeline for this yet though, as there are many topics to cover with Insights dashboards. Training materials and catalogs are also in the list, and were ranked as high priority in a survey filled out by many customers participating to the Insights PDG program.

thank you Laurent.
