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Automatically delete ILTs after they've run?

  • 18 August 2022
  • 4 replies

Is there a way to set it up so that the platform auto-deletes my ILTs after they’re completed? Each program we run has 5 x ILT Course/Session/Event associated with it. (We do it that way so that all 5 appears on the learner’s calendar any other way and it won’t appear.) If we run 50 programs a month that’s 250 ILTs sitting in the system that keeps building and building and in which I have to eventually delete. (As a sidebar, it would be so nice if I could duplicate an ILT to help with the amount of clicks needed to create these as well.)

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

There’s no way to delete post session via system, and I would be concerned with the loss of learning history in doing so?

you could technically easily build something with connect or the apis directly to do this if you really wanted to, but I don’t understand why you really want to delete. 

For scheduling, you might want to look into the CSV uploads if you are sticking to the front end gui, it doesn’t save you all the clocks but helps a bit. At that scale I would highly encourage you to engage a consultant or IT to make you a system for scheduling with the apis, it can be done fairly easily by someone comfortable with them, and saves not just time but the human error of doing that many manually. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @Bfarkas Our programs are run B to B rather than B to C. So after we send the client the attendance report we don’t need the ILT to hang around. All of our course and ILT codes are quite detailed, but unfortunately, Docebo only provides like an inch to view the code and I have to hover my mouse over it to ensure I’m clicking the right ILT (or choosing the right instructor and we have 30+). 

Of course I’ll be utilizing the search function to help me out, but it’s decluttering the space. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

So the more you describe here the more it sounds specialty to me. I would also guess with this new info that you don’t actually want it deleted after it runs, but more after you have reported and backed up? Seems like a fairly easy custom api tool buildout, run your report and then feed it into the tool to delete each unique session within the report. 

that being said, this still cuts out a lot of abilities like pre-reqs, user summary areas, etc. and such since you’ll lose the completions. There’s a couple threads around for using CSS to change the width of that column if that is the real concern. Also, remeber that you can sort the list by date which often helps too. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Thanks @Bfarkas  for your help. Our onboarding specialists said there was no way of widening the column CODE, so I’d be super interested in know if there was CSS to widen it. It would certainly be a cause for celebration around here. I’ll see what I can find. 
