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We’re launching at the end of April and are trying to get our notifications in order.


We have a learning plan with 10 courses. Users must take the courses in order. I was hoping that by setting up course notifications it would trigger the notification flow once the user started each course but it doesn’t seem to work that way. 


I’m wondering what are some best practices folks have done with notifications for learning plans?

How do you set it up if there is no end date for completion? 

How often do you think we should send messages to users?


I’m looking forward to seeing how you others have leveraged notifications to encourage learners to completion. 


Hi @sfrost you can set the order of the courses in the Learning plan itself by using the “prerequisite” option

As for notifications...I would recommend you opt to NOT have enrolment emails go out for the courses contained in the LP (if you can) and only use the 1 email for the LP enrolment...this keeps things neater; otherwise the user would get 1 email for each course enrolment + 1 for the LP enrolment.

If you need to remind them to complete the LP, you shave 2 options, “Learner has yet to complete LP” which is based on the enrolment date; and the other, “Learning plan expiring” which is based on a due date (active until date), if you have one set on any of the courses in the LP.

Hope this helps...make sure you test, test, test…


Wow thanks for your quick response. Where are you finding Learner has yet to complete LP option? Because that would be perfect! But it wasn’t an option which was why we went with yet to complete course (which I'm realizing now won’t work). I must be looking in the wrong part of notifications.


Do you mind letting me know where I can find Learner has yet to complete LP? because that would solve this issue. 




Hi @sfrost my bad, it’s the “Learning plan enrollment expiring” which works with the “days of validity” field on the LP. It can be based off the enrolment date or after the moment the user accesses the first course


@sfrost We are exploring our notification potential right now as well. So far, we are being conservative on the amount we send out to learners to avoid important notifications getting lost in the noise. We are targeting specific areas where a notification might replace a manual com for example, and looking to solve for those issues.


