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Building a messaging system between coaches, managers, and students

  • 22 February 2023
  • 12 replies


We are using Docebo as a platform for students and their educational coaches. What we are trying to achieve is a way for students to be able to reach out to their assigned coach (manager) at any point if they have questions or things they want to chat about. The idea would be that students and coaches could have a “messaging system” in the platform. We have somewhat achieved this with localization and observational checklists, but those have to live in courses. 


We would like this to be from the home page if possible.


Does anyone have any ideas?

What comes to mind is Channels with Cohorts enabled...this would allow you to create groups and have each group act as its own cohort so that they users and coaches/managers can be assigned as experts on the channel which allow them to moderate discussions, answer questions, etc.

the other option on a course you can take look at is the Forum can create as many as you wish but getting users to use the correct one may be a but tricky.

Thanks for the thoughts @lrnlab!

Would this require Discover, Coach & Share? I don’t see the Forum widget in my page editor or the cohort option in Channels.





no, the Forum is a widget on a course…think the page version that comes close is the Question and Answer widget


Q&A page widget:

Great callout @lrnlab! And @qdev, you can find the option to enable cohorts in the visibility section of a channel. You have to click the “Custom Selection” toggle to get it to appear:


Hope this helps!

Does anyone know why I wouldn’t be able to enable cohorts? @lrnlab@elliott.vickrey 

@qdev Are you logged in as a Superadmin?

@elliott.vickrey yes, I am

Got it, thank you for confirming @qdev! My next question would be whether Discover, Coach and Share is enabled on your platform. This is necessary to use cohorts.

If DCS is enabled on your platform and this setting still isn’t showing up, I would suggest creating a ticket with our support team. They would be able to help you investigate this more directly!

@elliott.vickrey there is the issue, we don’t have DCS and we are not planning on getting it.

@qdev In that case, the forum widget for courses may be the best workaround if you need something inside the platform.

Thanks, I just wanted to make sure that was the case.
