Correct, you make a user a power user, then you assign them a profile and then you assign the resources to that user.
I filter my power users by profile then I have a “plan” on what they should be assigned, and my view has it laid out so you can see the pattern.
So in your example I would have a plan for country A profile, filter by that profile and then assign resources. Then on to country B profile.
Keep in mind groups will have to be updated periodically if that is something that changes over time.
adding can assign resources to multiple PU’s at once...I usually locate the PU’s without a role assigned or some other value that will eventually be assigned and then assign all the resources except the last once so I can maintain the search results while I assign all the other resources. The PU filters work well.
+1 We also assign resources to multiple PU’s at once with the filtering of the profile, it is a bit clunky but it works.
We’re looking in the future though how we can automate it through an access control so will follow this post to see if anyone has come up with other solutions =)
Thank you all for your replies! I’ll see what I can pull together.
Jumping on to this question as it is related to one I posted yesterday.
@Cheney -- did you ever find a way to fully automate the assigning of resources? Specifically, I cannot find an API endpoint that unassigns the learning content wildcards. We have a PU use case where PU’s with a profile need “All visible in catalogs” for courses and learning plans. We are able to assign the wildcard via the APIs, but it cannot be unassigned at any endpoint we have found so far.
Hey @api-user-a158066b-04bd
Unfortunately we had not been able to fully automate it, we’re still managing this manually and still investigating solutions to this. In the meantime we are trying to automate things outside of Docebo to solve for even granting anyone a poweruser.