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Can I manually create a user if we have SSO enabled?

  • 3 September 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi there,

We have a pull approach to users using our Docebo platform, SSO is enabled & employees are encouraged to go & explore the platform at which point they are automatically created as a user via SSO.

Can I still manually create a user as more of a push approach? manual creation asks for a password or this can be autogenerated, would this bypass SSO meaning the user would have to use a password all the time OR would SSO just take over when the user logs on via the push notification?

Any advice would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Not sure if it will work the same for you, but we use both SSO and non SSO. For my SSO users, I can manually create them. What password is created at that time only matters if they choose to use the manual login option. If they select SSO on the login screen they will use their SSO login.

When you manually create a user, you need to decide if you are going to send them the automated admin created user email. In that email will probably be a platform link. I would expect that it would behave exactly the same as if they just typed in the URL. If that makes them use SSO, then that is what they will see. You might want to customize the notification to not say anything about the password and put in some words about SSO.

Thank you so much, that’s super helpful :-) I will try that approach

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@bhemelryk - we have a mixed approach on our end (folks that are coming to us via SSO and non-SSO) like @lhubbard. We do actually exactly what she has described.

In the past we had accounts being generated by our SSO on the fly. We have changed that as of recent (we changed around an integration).

Bottomline - everything that Lynn has said is true. Be very aware though - if that learner is to still use the SSO? That the “trust” that is setup for that user is one that you support in the learner profile. For example our username is our trust with the SSO. Therefore if I make someone manually? I have to ensure that the trust is there now because we have disabled account generation on the fly.
