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I can add additional fields to the entry from for External Training. The system records the values, and I can report on them as an admin. How do I expose them to users? 

When a user views their external training, they see only the system fields and not the additional fields. There is no way for them to download the transcript or otherwise get to the additional files. 

I have discovered if I leave them in a pending state the user can edit/view them. This is not a good option on two levels; 1) it sends the message that the training is not accepted/valid. 2) users can edit them impacting downstream reporting. 

Anyone faced this problem?

never tested on the user end but we did notice the additional fields did not appear to them and in our case it was what we needed. If you allow users to add their own, they can see the additional fields (at least on our site) but they are not visible after they are approved nor can the user download that full info...feels like there’s a gap in this app...wouldn't be surprised as it’s likely an original version (Docebo haven't done any updates to this for at least 5 years)…

Even the “cancel” button on the “Settings” tab of the app doesn't click it and you stay on the page….ugh

Thanks LrnLab. It is definitely an older part of the system it has “legacy” in the url. 
