
certification or other method?

  • 3 January 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 2

Background: My company issues a certification (right to use a product) after an educational course + test. The customer must pass the test to receive the certification. 

It seems that all scenarios in Docebo are based on the learner taking the course, not passing the test. How can we set up a Certification based on the course + test score? 

Bonus question: is there a way to put a certification number (or any other additional information)in the learner’s profile? Or, if it was put on a certificate - is there a place for learners to collect important information?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @CDoerger. It’s true that certifications are based upon completion of the course but the completion of the course can be configured such that the user must pass the exam within a course in order to complete the course. That score will then be applied to the course and can be reported on at the course level. 

In order to accomplish this you would want to ensure that either the test is marked as the “end object marker” or that it is the last learning object in the course with the previous training material set as a pre-requisite to the test (this ensures that the user must take both the preceding training material as well as the test - instead of just skipping straight to the test). 

You’ll also need to update the course advanced settings under Score and Credits to ensure that the score of the course is set by the test that you’ve created. 

Then after the above is complete you can add the course to the certification and effectively after the user has completed the test they will have received the certification. 
