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Hi all,


Does anyone know if we can change the term “ILT” to something else (like “Workshop”) where it appears on the LMS? Maybe some CSS code?


None of our learners use this term so having it there is kind of awkward...if we can’t change it then that’s fine, thought I would just ask :)


Thanks for your help,


hi @robjardim 

You may wish to read ‘Managing Language Verbiage (Translations) ‘ in this help file >

you can probably do most of this via the Localization app but there are hundreds of references to “ILT” and “instructor-led” so you will need to be careful especially for page context and grammar, etc.

Thanks, this is exactly what I needed - although yes there are a lot more instances of ILT in there than I was expecting! 

I’ll report back up the chain and let them know it’s not going to be a quick job haha...thanks for your help!
