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Does anyone know if there’s any way to see who assigned a specific course/learning plan to a certain user? We have our system set up so users can auto enroll in any course/learning plan but managers can also assigned courses/learning plans. When I see on the system that someone is enrolled in a course/learning plan I would like to see if this has been assigned by a manager or this has been self enrolled. Does anyone know if this is possible? I am asking as I would like to see statistics on self enrolled/assigned by manager.



Hi @trilly

You can use the Audit trail.  Under the filters in the Audit trail, you can select specific enrollment options 

On the Audit trail itself, the “Operated By” column will give you the username of the individual that enrolled the user, and the “Target” column will give you the name of the learner enrolled.  If the Operated By and Target are the same, then you know it was a self enrollment. :-)

Even better, you can download the audit trail and review the data from a spreadsheet as well. 

That’s great! Thank you so much! :D 

@Annarose.Peterson any ideas how a Power User can check this? Since they don’t have access to audit trail I wonder if there is some other way to report out on this. Any thoughts are appreciated!

@Annarose.Peterson any ideas how a Power User can check this? Since they don’t have access to audit trail I wonder if there is some other way to report out on this. Any thoughts are appreciated!

No, there really is no permission for the power user to use the audit trail.  I was hoping the audit trail report would show up in the old reports module for a power user that has all the reporting permissions but it doesn’t look like that would work. :-/

They would need a super admin to check that information.

@trilly As a workaround for Power Users at least, I used the Localization Tool and modified the text in the Enrollment Field under Additional Information to say “User Enrolled By.” This at least provides a place for Power Users to enter their name when they enroll a user to a course. The field can then be optionally be pulled into certain reports via the View Options tab under Enrollment Fields. This does not work for Learning Plans, however. I’ve never fully understood the product design logic behind why enrolling a user in a LP (or the entire LPs Menu for that matter) is so drastically different compared to course enrollment from the Admin side.

It’s also a poor experience for users/learners since they don’t have the ability to see who assigned them a course or LP. Simply adding a filter on the My Courses and Learning Plans page to show self-enrolled vs. PU/Manager-enrolled courses and LPs would make my life and the life of about 16k external users (including Power Users) I support exponentially better.



