
Conflicting # of Views for Channels / Assets

  • 27 April 2022
  • 0 replies

i’m trying to report on the total number of views for the assets of a given channel. , and I see conflicting numbers based on the different ways to view this information. 

Channel Summary

When I pull the Channel Summary, it would appear that there has been a total of 677 views for the assets in this channel. 

Assets - Statistics & View Count on Channel 

When I create a custom Assets - Statistics Report for this specific channel, or just tally the number of views on the user facing channel, we only count a total of 458 views. 

What is the difference between the two totals? Is it because the asset view doesn’t include views of the ILT/e-learning courses? Or is one counting unique views and the other counting total? 


Any help would be appreciated! 

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