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Course Category - way to hide from filter if no courses visible for user?

  • 5 November 2021
  • 5 replies


We have both customers and employees as users in our LMS. Recently we had a superadmin create a new course category named “Customer Awareness” and assign some employee courses to it that are in a catalog visible only to employees and not customers.

Unfortunately the category itself is visible to ALL users when they click the “CATEGORIES” filter on the catalog page. If an employee then selects the “Customer Awareness” category, the courses are displayed. If a customer selects it, nothing is displayed.

Before I submit an enhancement request for this - am I missing something? Is there a workaround for this?

@mark this is how it works. For that reason we only use categories for controlling access of power users,  and not make them visible to learners. For learners, we only use catalogs to structure how they access content.

HI @mark sadly that’s the way it works...there are several enhancement request already posted so once the Idea portal is back up (portal is offline while being transferred to this site) you can vote on those...I know I posted one about a year ago.

Thanks guys. 

@alekwo - curious on how you’re hiding the categories - I assume you hide the category/filter/search bar from the course catalog page?

We sell a bunch of software products along with variations/segments that all warrant separate catalogs but after our initial implementation of Docebo, where I relied on a course catalog for each as the primary ‘filter’ for users, feedback from employees was that they did not like the ‘infinite scroll’ (we had about 40 or 50 catalogs). So I consolidated down to ~7 catalogs and assigned everything to a course category and enabled that as visible on the course catalog page. Since then, all positive feedback. 


@mark you can disable presentation of categories to users in

Advanced Settings → Course Catalog → Catalog Options → Use categories tree


For navigation we have built a tree-like structure using custom pages, so users are going through their home page → to a learning category (product/sales enablement/etc.) → product page → specific catalog or learning plan. 

They also have the All catalogs page available in the menu, but from what I see in analytic almost no one is using it. 

+1 to @alekwo  and @lrnlab  approach.

Overall it works. There are some nuances to it as you use the CLOR and support the global search (which there are even more ideas on). But it works.

My only add - you can get inventive with your representation of those catalogs on pages with widgets and their layout. I support two layouts (that will become three with channels supporting courses not assigned to an inidividual) when a person lands on a page that has a filter and a page that hides a filter but has a type of features section.
