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DCS Digest Notifications

  • 11 July 2022
  • 8 replies

I’m looking to utilize Digest notifications- but for notifying users of new content posted within our DCS channels. So, I would like a weekly or bi-weekly notification email to go out for all users of a specific branch that contains all the new content that has been shared in our channels over the past week/two weeks.


Would this be possible utilizing the “Digest: Assets marked as outdated” notification and changing the wording and using different short codes? How would you go about creating this notification? Thanks for the help!

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

In my experience, notifications are pretty much set to do what they were created for so trying to use them for a purpose other than what they are supposed to do is probably not possible. That said there are some notifications available to advise users of new content that goes with the newest update allowing users to follow a channel...this is in sandbox now if you have one, otherwise it should appear in production in a few weeks. Both the single and digest versions are available.


Hope this helps.


Thank you! I’m looking forward to these new notifications being launched.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

the only hitch is that your users will need to “follow” the specific channels in order to be able to receive these notifications...

Interesting. I do understand the “why” behind only limiting the digest notification to the “followed channels”. But honestly it would make a lot of sense if there were two separate notification options:

  • A digest notification for followed channels
  • A digest notification for channels selected by SuperAdmins

That way if important, time sensitive information is posted for all users to see in a specific channel and the user does not follow that specific channel, they will still receive a digest notification for it. 


I have not seen the “follow” button yet on our platform since we won’t see it until the update comes out. I wonder if the “follow” button is intuitive for users to utilize though. If the follow button is hidden or not easily found, our users will be missing a huge part of our platform by not seeing the timely content that is posted...


Anywho, it seems like not having a notification option for a digest notification for channels that SuperAdmins can select leaves a huge gap in use-cases like ours (all external users) and driving engagement in the platform. Just my 2 cents- I really hope Docebo considers implementing this soon.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

totally agree...perhaps you post this as an’s what the “Follow” option looks like:


The follow button looks nice! Thanks for sharing. I’ll for sure be posting the notification idea.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Thx if you post back in here, I will vote on it for sure

Awesome- I really appreciate it. I just posted it as an Idea in the Community. Thanks for your responsiveness and assistance!
