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We have a use case where our business wants to migrate all the courses, repository from Lower Sandbox to Production . Do we have any automated tools through which i can deploy my data from one environment to another? 

@gatarane Unfortunately, no. You’ll need to rebuild things in your production environment.  I suggest a lot of screenshots😥

Had to build a few of my own tools for such things. Nothing readily exists. The closest you can get is before launch building in production and then have them clone back to sandbox, but that only works pre-launch.

Hi @gatarane 

I saw something in the Spring Product Direction video about a forthcoming enhancement that will enable changes in the Sandbox to be pushed to Prod.  The relevant bit is at 25:40 in the video.

Kind of surprising how small a mention it gets considering what a big deal it would be if they do implement it!


@Alan exciting! Thanks for pointing out, I have that video to watch through on my list still.
