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Due Dates and Alerting Supervisors

  • 19 August 2022
  • 9 replies

We are new Dochebo users, and we have a question we’re really struggling with.

Before Dochebo, when someone was late on a required compliance training the supervisor would get a notification in addition to the employee.

As we have set up Docebo we realized expiry dates are not going to work for us because employees need the ability to complete a training even if they are late.

So with these two things in mind we set up a notification inside Docebo that we can click the button to manually send to Supervisors who have an employee with past due training. In that email we don’t see a way to include which of their direct reports is late, so we though we’d direct them to the My Team page.

However, when you first land on the My Team page, it shows 0 courses are past due. We understand they can click on the user to go to that user’s My Activity page and figure it out from there, but that amount of work with the visual confusion will not work. I know our supervisors will call us confused, or take it to mean the email was sent to them in error.

Is anyone else trying to do something like this? How do you alert supervisors that they have an employee with past due required training? I appreciate all thoughts. We’re happy to do workarounds or use other features that may achieve our goals.

Hi @ktbadham there is 1 notification that works based off the enrolment date that can be sent to managers. Perhaps this could help too resolve your issue? there is also a “digest” version which culls all notices into a single email - this one might be best for your managers


  • Learner has yet to complete the course
  • Digest: Learner has yet to complete the course

Only trick with this template is it only works to count forward from the enrolment date so it works best when your courses have a set period of time within which they need to be completed, rather than those where you want the due date to be be same for all users (campaign based, for example)



Thank you @Irnlab ! The “Learner has yet to complete the course” is the notification we’re using. When a manager has multiple direct reports, how do you design this email so it tells them who exactly has yet to complete the course?

since it’s a copy of what is sent to the user, I usually just copy what we send to the users and preface it with:

hello (**do not use the name short codes as these load the user’s name - not the manager’s), the following user was notified of an impending course completion. Please review and take action as needed”

or something to that effect, followed by the same text sent to the user.

If you use the Digest version instead, that one could be addressed more directly to say something like:

The following users have an impending course date….

I’m still not understanding, sorry.

How do you actually get the notification to populate the users who have an impeding course date? That’s the part I can’t figure out. The email sends, but there’s not a good way to let a supervisor know which of their direct reports the email applies to.

apologies, have not used the digest version but suggest you try this:


The following users have courses coming due:


mfirst_name] ]last_name] ( username]) enrolled in ncourse_name] on osubscribed_at]. This course expires on oexpire_at] and can be accessed here: ecourse_link]



this will include the user’s name and username...everything between titems] & [/items] will repeat for each user that would have received an email on that same day

Thank you! This was the feature I was looking for

glad to help...please make sure to test thoroughly as some of these time-based notifications can be long and tricky to test.

@lrnlab This digest email will work based on the no of courses user enrolled into it.

Do you have any suggestions where the manager will get digest email which says:

User A enrolled into course A

User B enrolled into Course A & B

User C enrolled into Course B, C, D

I would be interested in this as well ^
