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Editing User Impacts Enrollment Rules/Skews Reporting

  • 26 April 2022
  • 9 replies

Hi all,

We’ve noticed that when we edit a user, say for any reason from something as simple as a typo in their name or if they transferred to another location, that it for lack of a better phrase “re-enrolls” them into courses in which they were already enrolled and thus impacts accurate reporting. 

For our use, 99/100 times we do not want a change we make to a user’s profile to impact their enrollments but it does. Is there a way around this? Or is there something we need to change to ensure this doesn’t happen?

Hi @ASykes can you provide a bit more detail on what you mean by “re-enrolled”?

Hmm. this sounds suspiciously like a bug, not sure I’ve ever seen, unless the change you make triggers a group/enrollment rule?

Agreed this sounds very odd.  Curious to see examples of a ‘re-enrollment’ as a user can only ever be enrolled once in a course (unless specifically unenrolled) based on current system design.

Ok, sorry, I was inquiring on behalf of someone else so this is what they came back with, if this information helps explain our issue some more: 

There’s an enrollment rule set up. So when we edit a user, password, branch, group etc. it automatically enrolls them in anything they weren’t enrolled in before, which we do not want to happen. 

...Or if they were enrolled before in a course before that, it will change their enrollment date to the day you made the user edit

That definitely sounds like a bug, have you opened a ticket with Docebo directly?

We have some enrollment rules and I haven’t seen this be the case for our users (yet). Definitely get a ticket open so that it can be investigated further by support. 

No, my team didn’t realize it was a bug so that’s why we wanted to check here. Thanks.

@ASykes do you have a daily feed that populates your user fields?  Is it only updating changed data or is it overwriting the fields every day with same information?  I am curious if the changes that are impacting the enrollment date are done by feed or if they are manual.  I have ER’s as well, but haven’t noticed anything like this, but will be checking for sure.

Ha, I wish we had a feed that did that. Sadly, due to our systems not talking to each other, we have to enroll and manage users manually which is oof. 
