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elearning not marking as complete

We have a number of mandatory modules that all staff need to complete.  We are having a number of emails form staff who said they have completed the module, and have the certificate (from within the module itself), but the LMS has not registered their completion.

Has any experienced this and can they advise on what to check?  I have gone into the user report for someone who has recently experienced this, but the LMS just simply says they are incomplete.  The certificate they get within the module at the end clearly shows they got the right score with the right date.

Any suggestions welcome.

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

not sure if your content is set-up in xAPI


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Another possibility to check is with your Intermediate CA if you are using your own custom domain.

If this is not valid, it can affect the completion status of SCORM objects as well.

You can put your platform URL into this checker to verify.


Userlevel 4

Was this built in Storyline? If so, you can load the course in there and change the completion settings: Quote from top comment: (Publish > LMS > (Reporting and Tracking) > Tracking) to see what your completion trigger is. 

Recently, for a course I built, it was set to all slides must be viewed, but the menu allowed learners to skip around, so learners who ‘finished’ the course actually just skipped to the end. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

not sure if your content is set-up in xAPI


I believe our courses are scorm but have been built in a number of tools.  Ones we have built have been done in Rise or Articulate,   the one that failed to work properly today was a module built by a third party so unsure what tool they used.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@KTJD we had the same issue recently with using third party SCORM. Some things that we ran into with folks completing the course included:

  • Pop-up blockers - there was a SCORM package that was set up to launch in a new window, no matter what the view option in the LMS was because this was set up at the SCORM level. What was strange was folks with pop-up blockers still would have the new window open and they were unaware that their browser was blocking any data being sent from the new window.  Once we had the user select the option to allow the pop-ups and re-directs on the main browser window, the completion data would get recognized in Docebo.
  • Another thing to look at is launch method of the training material within the LMS.  Since it is a third party vendor, I would recommend to have the content launch in a full screen, since it provides the best compatibility with all browsers (lightbox can behave funny sometimes).
  • If possible, engage with the course vendor’s support team.  They may also help you identify possible causes of issues, especially when it comes to how their courses are constructed.  In our case, we needed the vendor to build in an “exit” button on the last slide, because the trigger for “Viewing all slides” wasn’t working.
  • You may have already heard this, but make sure the following URLs are added to your network’s allow list:

I hope you get this resolved soon!  I can totally relate to having a SCORM package not behaving in a course that is sent out to the entire company to complete!

Good luck. 

Userlevel 1

@KTJD  We experienced that in the past as well and can attest it was extremely frustrating. The majority of the issues we experienced were with courses that were created by a third-party vendor. The errors seemed to stop once the vendor updated their courseware from Flash to HTML5. The transition from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge also helped.

Hope you find relief soon!

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

thanks all.  we’ll keep digging about.  we think the third person vendor used Elucidat.

it does seem weird that in most cases modules are being completed without issue but there are few anomalies and definitely is something about the module and the LMS not quite talk to each other.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

thanks all.  we’ll keep digging about.  we think the third person vendor used Elucidat.

it does seem weird that in most cases modules are being completed without issue but there are few anomalies and definitely is something about the module and the LMS not quite talk to each other.

That’s the worst, when it is working for most, and so you can’t easily identify the root cause.  Especially difficult if you can’t replicate the issue on your end. :-(  I hope you get this figured out soon,

Has anyone figured out this error? I create SCORM in Articulate and I have been having this issue since November. We are working with Docebo support but they are scratching their heads just as much as we are. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

We’ve experienced this before due to the issue on the xAPI, which we had to re-publish the courses. Another thing is if the user does not have email address set-up in their accounts, this should be corrected in their HCM records.
