
Expired users need a more accurate error message when trying to log in

  • 8 November 2021
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2

Currently, when expired users try to log in, the error message they receive is “Error - Sign in not possible. Wrong credentials provided. Check them and try again.”

This leads to a very poor customer experience, because they then try to reset their password, and double-check their email, and the user spends several minutes trying to figure out why they can’t log in, before they email an admin in frustration. Then, an admin has to waste time logging in to Docebo, finding that user, opening their profile, and discovering that actually, the user is expired.

It would be a much cleaner UX if the error message showed that they cannot log in because their access has expired, instead of implying their credentials are incorrect. It would save several minutes of faffing around on the end user’s part, and also save time for the super-admin, if the error message was more accurate.


Current error message for expired users.


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi @dominyza agree that this message seems to be used in all cases and is not specific to the actual error type...1 quick fix may be to enhance the message via Localization. There is a label that controls this text.

Goto your admin menu > Localization > ‘choose the language you want to edit’ > search for “Sign in not possible”

You should see the label and be able to change it. Just be mindful of the text length so it does not affect the error message or cause it to bleed over, etc.

Userlevel 2

Hi @dominyza agree that this message seems to be used in all cases and is not specific to the actual error type...1 quick fix may be to enhance the message via Localization. There is a label that controls this text.

Goto your admin menu > Localization > ‘choose the language you want to edit’ > search for “Sign in not possible”

You should see the label and be able to change it. Just be mindful of the text length so it does not affect the error message or cause it to bleed over, etc.

Thanks, I did think of using localisation, but we’ve avoided it until we can have separate localisation settings for our Extended Enterprise Clients. I might do it with CSS replacement instead (that way, it at least only affects our one enterprise client that actually uses expiry dates).

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@dominyza Agree that the current message can lead to a poor customer experience. Please consider voting for the following idea to address this.

