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First time posting here and trying to wrap my head around power users. We sell all of our courses and certification programs and would like to provide the option for our partners admins to enroll and purchase courses for their users. I’m not sure how to accomplish this with the power-user permission settings and hoping to get some guidance. 


This community has been a tremendous help, thank you all for your contributions! 

HI @Tatum.Mathis you should have a look at Subscriptions. We use this for this exact scenario and it allows the power users to buy individual courses or access to a catalogue and then assign these to users they have visibility to. It was a little tricky to get this working but with the following PU permissions you should be able to mirror what we’ve done.

Also note that the power must never be enrolled in the course(s) they wish to assign as this wool prevent them from purchasing and assigning to others.

These permissions allow the PU to buy individual courses too so not just for Subscriptions if you prefer not to use that app.

Groups and Certificates are optional.

Hope this works for you.



Thank you so much! This is so helpful and appears to be exactly what we need. Off to the know KB articles I go! lol. Thank you again!!

Hi! Me again. LOL!


I'm playing around with the subscriptions - Is this really how they display? Half of the page wasted and unclear that the user has to scroll down to see what's included? Is the Subscription page the only view option available?

Hello can you see me way down here?? LOL! smh.



Yes, that’s the display...we usually make the titles as descriptive as possible. yours looks a little different than ours though. you could also look to update the labels on the top portion of the page if that helps


@lrnlab we have about 100 courses that cost $7 each

Is there a good way to let power users buy alacarte, say, course Sales 207 and course MarTech 119 for 10 users using subscriptions? I don’t see a way to do this. It looks like subscriptions simply enrolls users in a bunch of courses. No?

Hi @lrodman yes you should be able to build a subscription catalogue with all your courses and set it to be sold as Seats. This way once your admin buys a plan for # of seats when they come to assign them, they can pick and choose from any of the courses in the subscription catalogue.

@lrodman I know you were asking about subscriptions, but you can have Power Users purchase courses for others outside of a subscription.  For the power user profile turn on the permission “Allow power user to buy courses and learning plans on behalf of someone else” (found under the catalogs permissions)

Once turned on, the Power User can then select to purchase for others at the check out screen.  Here are more details about that feature in this article:

Only downside is if your power user has been enrolled in the course in the past, they will not be able to get to the purchase screen.

Very weird about the power user purchase breaking things… so weird…
