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We need to regularly review courses to ensure their content remains up-to-date and relevant for the target audience. It would be extremely beneficial to have a field linked to each course where we could set a review period. Once that time frame elapses, a notification would alert us that the course is due for review.

How do others going about doing this in Docebo? We currently use an excel file to track and it’s tedious. 

We added 2 additional fields to our course management, one for the subject matter expert and one called "valid to" with date field. 

I manually export the course list monthly for monthly housekeeping and then when I see due date coming up send it over to SME to review, however it's still very manual and the course creators don't really put accurate due dates so we may sunset this option and look at other solutions to try enforce duration better and make 2 core review periods that everyone has to stick to. 

Would love to know if there's a more efficient way others are doing this. 
