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Is there some way to get a list of users that have never been active? In trying to filter the Last Access Date you are forced to enter a date range or a relative range, but none of those options will find an empty date that shows up as “Never” on the users personal summary. 

@e_f The best way I’ve found is to create a User report that includes the Created Date and Last Access dates under the Visible tab, along with username, etc. Then, sort the report by the Last Access date and find the ‘null’ fields.

I’ve done a daily report like this for the past 3 years and I find it quite helpful. I do it for the whole of my platform so that it includes all branches.

Thanks for the idea  - that can get to the information but isn’t really what I need. A couple of problems.

  1. Report still lists thousands of users I don’t have any interest in
  2. That doesn’t give me a way to select them and do a mass edit
  3. This doesn’t even give a simple count of those users.

I can basically get the same by sorting on Last Access Date from the User screen with the same issue, 

Appreciate the response.


@e_f  Basically what you are looking for doesn’t exist in the platform. The concept of ‘null’ (aka ‘never’) isn’t an option, so you are basically forced to go down the reports and/or Users > Choose Action path.

With a little bit of consideration and planning you absolutely can do the things that you’ve listed, albeit in with a slightly longer path, but one that is still much shorter than doing things account by account.

  1. Focus your report to only show you the branches you are interested in. Include some field that will help you sort the data even more finely.
  2. Once the data is out into a flat field, you can use the Last Access data to sort the sheet and isolate those that you can then copy/paste to a .csv for some further action (say, termination for example. See a reply I gave with how I do this
    1. You can get a simple count in your .csv with the number of rows.

Thanks again - but still too cumbersome and prone to mistakes with all the manual work.

  1. There is no finer level of detail, I just need to know of these 25K users, who never logged in.
  2. Sure I can scroll down a few thousand lines and get a number and then do all the other steps, but really not what I need on a regular basis.
