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Hi~ Thank you for your help.

We have several courses that our staff can take that are eligible for CLE credit if completed by X date. Since the courses are our own material, I want to still make them available after the CLE credit expires but without earning a credit. I am not sure how best to do that.

-If I remove the CEU credit from the course properties after that expiration date, won’t it remove the CEU from all that have earned it? If so, I don't want to do that because it would remove it from the user’s My activities section.

-Should I duplicate the course and make it equivalent but the duplicated course does not have and CEU credits attached?

-What are others doing?

Thank you! ~Jennifer

@jsalinas Hello … While I don’t use CLEs myself, I think your second option is solid. I agree that removing the CLE after it’s expiry could impact everyone who earned it. (Like how adding a new course to a Learning Plan makes everyone who was once complete change to ‘in progress’)

You could do a small test to confirm.

  1. Create a test course with CLE attached, and the expiry date, but only put the date 1-2 days into the future.
  2. ‘Earn’ the credit.
  3. Wait for the expiry date.
  4. Remove the credit, and then check your custom report or MyActivities (whereever you get the info about CLE)

Would love to hear about your investigation.
