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I need to create courses so that when the content is launched it uses a URL and takes the user to a 3rd party site where the content is hosted.  In my previous experience I could link a URL as content so that when the content was launched from the course in LMS, it took user to the destination via the URL.  I don’t see that ability with Docebo.  

I could put a link in the description, but then we lose all tracking and completion info. 

Has anyone else done this?  Am I just missing something?

HI @Jtischler not sure what you need to track exactly but there is training material type called HTML page where you can insert hyperlinks. It will only track that the user clicked that learning object so it doesn’t track anything after that unless you have a way to capture views/clicks on your external site.

Hello @Jtischler. I like @lrnlab ‘s idea for HTML pages - and depending on the size/design/complexity of the destination website - you might also consider remaining on the same page you launch the course from and showing the other URL inside an iFrame.

@lrnlab We would want to track the completions/enrollments as well as other criteria we are capturing in custom fields like duration etc..., so I would still want them to go through the enrollment so that when they click ‘start learning’ it launches the URL.  I will try the HTML page and see if that works.  Thanks!

I’m not sure if this helps, but we’ve decided to do a simple, one page “sign off” course for our 3rd party training, instead of doing any iFrames.

Our users would:

  1. open our Docebo course
  2. click on a button that opens the external training in a new tab; they would complete the training there
  3. when they’re done, they would go back into our Docebo course and “sign off”/check a box to confirm they’ve completed the external training

The course is created in Elucidat and only has two pages. The first page has the external link, some basic instructions, and a “yes” checkbox/form. The second page is just a ‘thank you’ page and only displays if the user has submitted the form.

The course is deemed complete when a user scores 100 (score of 100 means they’ve checked the box and submitted the form). There’s no “no” option, so the user shouldn’t ever fail the course (the course should only every be: not started, in progress, or completed).

Not sure if that would help at all! We can’t tell how long it took them to complete the 3rd party training, but, we can set soft deadlines and track whether or not they’ve completed/“signed off” on it.


@lrnlab Your HTML page suggestion is the best option currently.  It would be nice if the ‘start your learning’ button actioned the URL link vs opening up a page in which the link again needs selected before opening.



@lrnlab Your HTML page suggestion is the best option currently.  It would be nice if the ‘start your learning’ button actioned the URL link vs opening up a page in which the link again needs selected before opening.



if you’re comfortable with HTML I’m sure there’s a way t get it to ‘auto-play’ or some version of that’s a site i use all the might find something useful:

not sure if this is what you need:

@lrnlab Your HTML page suggestion is the best option currently.  It would be nice if the ‘start your learning’ button actioned the URL link vs opening up a page in which the link again needs selected before opening.



if you’re comfortable with HTML I’m sure there’s a way t get it to ‘auto-play’ or some version of that’s a site i use all the might find something useful:

not sure if this is what you need:

Is it the case that we can use Javascript in HTML learning objects?  Didn’t realise that!

not sure about using javascript @Alan I did get some elements to work but not all so please be careful and test test test

@Alan  - I did take a Java course (not JS) not too far back, as well as a visual basic course so I am a bit familiar with programming but definitely still at novice level.  How would I get this to work?  Would I need to set a variable?  I tried putting it in the source code window in a few spots but was unable to get it to work.  How would I do this?
