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How does a catalog search content?

Hello I'm trying to get an explanation of how the search functionality works on catalog searches. Specifically in this case the "Full Course Catalog." When I search for a word in the global search I only get 5 results. However, when I search for the same word in the full course catalog I get 42 results.

This article explains perfectly how the global search works: 

Can anybody please point me to documentation or tell me how catalog search work?

I believe the catalogue search searches on the title and first few lines of the description.

@lrnlab That makes sense, but still doesn’t explain why I would get more results in the full catalog search as opposed to the global search. Seems the global search should give me more results than a catalog search.

I have a hunch that global does a more exact search like “test”, with parenthesis, which only brings up exact words. Whereas, catalog searches searches test, without parenthesis, which would bring up any instance of a word with the letters test in it like (testable).

@gberry Where are you doing the “full course catalog” search?

Another thing that I believe impacts this is visibility permissions. I would certainly think that a superadmin would have fairly equal results in either search, a normal user might have a different experience due to the permissions.

@KMallette it would be what the system by default calls the “Course Catalog.”


echo what @KMallette mentioned above + the global search is really not the best...we have it hidden on one of our client sites.
