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How to get a list of users following a channel?

  • 14 February 2024
  • 3 replies

I’d like to know which users have opted to follow a given channel on our platform. From asking the helpdesk, they have said that there is not a built-in way to generate a list of followers of a channel, but I’m wondering if any of you have found a work-around to get at this information. For example, I don’t know much about API, but is there a way to use an API call or set of calls to get this information?

I’m still asking for more than 1y to have this feature. Please Docebo considers that having channels with no clue about followers is insane.

I’m still asking for more than 1y to have this feature. Please Docebo considers that having channels with no clue about followers is insane.

Was this ever listed as an Idea? I know they are shutting down the Ideas Portal for updates but just curious.

Here is my post 

still open
