This sounds like the perfect use case for a Learning Plan unless there are reasons you have identified that don’t make a Learning Plan suitable on this occasion ?
only thing to consider is whether to use pre-reqs in the LP or not...if you do, users will need to watch the first video before they are allowed to choose and enrol in a session; unless you enroll them in the ILT session(s) on the backend
If you go the route of not requiring so that folks can self-enroll in sessions without having completed, which i prefer as I have seen users delay classes if required first, I found it useful to add the reminder to the session registration email to go do the pre-work.
Thanks everyone, thinking about it now learning paths may work. The reason we were staying away from it, is because we wanted to have the same cohort run through the program together and they will not be able to sign up for an ILT until they got to that point. I appreciate the ideas. Thank you all!
If that is the case, you could always control the enrolling in the ILT if you want them to stay together, and then that matters less on the controlling since you are managing them.
Resurfacing this conversation… Would a learning plan be the solution if I need the order to be like this?:
Users must sign up for ITL session (submit application, sign disclaimer)
User must complete e-learning course
User attends live lesson
Users must complete exam/course evaluation
The key is that they must sign up first, submit paperwork, and then get started with the e-learning portion. Thoughts?