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Looking for some clarity, have browsed the knowledge base and community and not found a clear answer, apologies if it’s obvious…


Browsing notification types for ILT events to try to make it clearer to end users that they’re in the waiting list / they have to enrol in the course to be included on the wait list, and know that instructors can be recipients of certain notifications. But my question is, are these session or event instructors or both?

Notification: New ILT session created - would this notification go to all instructors in that course, or just the instructor assigned to that new session? Session instructor or event instructor or both?

Notification: User enrolled in ILT session - would this notification go to the instructor of the specific session? Session instructor or event instructor or both?

Thank you

One thing about notifications is they do not go out to more than 1 audience per template therefore if you want to send them this email ew ILT session created, you will need I template for users and another for instructors. Instructors will get a “Copy” of what is sent to the user so your text should reflect that.

As far as I know they will go out to all users identified as instructors whether at the session or event level.

Hope this helps.
