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I have a notification set up to let our faculty know when a learner has submitted an essay using the assignment in a course.  I’d like it to send as an email, but that is not working.  The notification is firing and sending successfully to the notifications page in the LMS, just not sending the email.

I have other notifications successfully sending emails to the same email addresses (enrollment, reports, etc).  It is only this one notification type where the email is not sending.

I have tried recreating the notification, tried the same notification in a different test course, tried different email addresses. I’m looking for any suggestions of other things to try that I haven’t yet before I submit a support ticket.

Issues with hit and miss email notifications sometimes are related to whether you have a valid DKIM record and SPF for the sender email. Do you know if this was installed in your LMS for your sender email? May be worth checking. 

Something else you can check is to make sure you test user and faculty account are in the branches or groups you ave aligned to the notification - they probably are since the onscreen notif came through…

Last resort is to open a ticket with support so they can assist.
