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We are very interested in Learning Impact as a way of qualifying the effectiveness of our courses; however, it requires that learners have a unique working email address for the initial survey. The followup survey can be done via notifications, but that doesn’t solve my problem.

Our learners work in call centers around the world, and are vendor employees (rather than direct employees of my company). As such, they are not allowed to have email access due to security concerns.

Any ideas how I could work around this limitation in the product?



Good morning.  Great question.  Learning Impact has a feature that you can activate for In-Platform Notifications.  When a learner completes a course that has a Learning Impact evaluation attached to it, they will receive an In-Platform Notification in the LMS.  This notification shows up on the Bell in the upper right-hand corner of the platform.  This feature would work perfectly for your call center employees who you want to complete Level 1 Course Evaluations.



Docebo Learning Impact


Thank you for your question.

Hi, Sheralynn Jean


Thank you so much for your answer; however, I find that it conflicts with the information provided in the link you gave.

Because Learning Impact surveys are sent to users via email, make sure that your users have a valid email address associated with their user profiles in the platform before enabling the course impact measurement for courses.

When the learning impact measurement is enabled for a course, learning impact surveys are sent to learners for the first time on the day after they complete the course (for E-Learning courses) or the session (for ILT courses) to get fresh feedback on first impressions. Surveys are sent to the learners by email. For initial evaluation, surveys can also be accessed through in-platform notifications. Refer to the paragraph Notifications of this article for more details.


I’m confused…can I only use Notifications for the first survey, but not the second? That seems to defeat the purpose entirely. Any clarification you can provide would be appreciated.


Good morning,
I confirm that the LMS in-platform notifications are today only available for the first survey for learners, corresponding to the immediate feedback when the course is completed but as the learner is still on his/her LMS account.
At this stage it is not available for the follow-up evaluation sent a few weeks or months after the course completion, so for this type of evaluation, an email is required. In the product development roadmap, we plan to give leverage other notification channels (Slack or Teams for instance), so that it would also be possible to involve learners with no email for this follow-up process.

Laurent Balagué 

@laurent.balagué Thank you so much for the clarification. While we do have a IM platform, our remote call center vendors do not have access to this AND they are the ones that do not have true email addresses.

Do you think this approach would work?

  1. Use a LMS survey as a training material; a survey that matches the Impacts survey
  2. Schedule the Impacts notification for 2 weeks later


Hello @KMallette, thank you for your message, I do not know enough the LMS survey / notifications to be sure it would work.
However for Learning Impact itself, turning LI questionnaires into training material is currently being studied, to achieve exactly what you are describing. We hope to deliver this in a few months.

How do we setup a Level 1 Reaction Evaluation? I’m in the knowledge bank and it references the Learning Impact app being fully integrated into LEARN. However, when I try to click on the links provided, it takes me to a broken link. 

My team and I can find nothing about how to customize and set this up. I tried adding a new app. Nothing there. 

Can someone help me get jump started?

Hello @JasonHailer,

the Docebo Learning Impact is not active in your platform.
Our Account Manger will contact you and he will provide you all the informations regarding DLI.

Kind regards
Giulio Azzalin, DLI Product Manager
