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When we originally set up our provisioning service (using API), we configured it so we enrolled users in individual courses. We’d like to move to enrolling users in Learning Plans instead, but for recurring users the expiration dates on courses are not updated if they are enrolled in a Learning Plan. So now I’m stuck using course codes but I really need the flexibility of enrolling in learning plans. Anyone else make this mistake originally? If so, what did you do to work through it? 

@BrianAustin Hi, Brian

Can you provide a bit more information about how you are enrolling learners into the LPs, and how your courses are configured? Are these e-Learning courses, or ILTs?

What’s your goal with respect to those persons who have already completed a course, vs. those who are only just enrolled or in progress?

So now I’m stuck using course codes but I really need the flexibility of enrolling in learning plans. Anyone else make this mistake originally? If so, what did you do to work through it? 


I don’t think I understand what you mean by “stuck using course codes”. 

The deadlines are set at the time the user is enrolled in the course so it makes sense that they LP wouldn’t update the course enrollment dates (a toggle in settings would be nice though but I can understand why it’s configured this way). 

Given the above could you just unenroll the users and renroll them using the LP? That would reset the deadlines to the LP deadlines. 
