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Learning Plans description changed into Training Journeys

My Activities


Maybe some of you have notice this change, but this section in the My Activities is now called Training Journeys instead of Learning Plans. We find this very confusing and are not sure why Docebo has changed this. Anybody any thoughts about this???

Get this - I dont see what you are seeing.

BUT Wait there was MORE. Something like Moderated Learning instead of ILTs showed up the other day.

Folks at Docebo - are yawl playing pranks on us admins???? :grin:

Its the naaame game…...banana nana fo fana….me my mo mana…..


I have found why it my not appear for others, it is only done in the English (VS) translation, probably some important customer had requested this…..:frowning2:

Also notice the difference in ILT vs. Face to Face


British version
American version


@Bart_at_Yamaha Motor didn’t maybe one of your admins change the translation text for “Learning Plans” in the localization tool?


Hi @alekwo , no I am very sure this was not the case, since they all were on Christmas brake during the last 2 weeks:slight_smile:. But thank you for the tip, we will change this back via the translate option.

@alekwo , I think this translation relates to the head of the page, not fieldname in the left side of the screen. But somehow it has now changed back again. Only see that other fields are constantly changing. Example: ILT (ILT (Instructor-Led Training)) → Face to Face → Live Sessions. :confounded:


For the record, I watched mine change almost in front of my eyes. Literally I would be on one screen, leave it, come back and it had changed 30 seconds later. Things like SCORM packages show as Lessons in the CLOR. Learning Plans became Bundles. And then they would change back.  And then something new would change.

Don’t know the cause, we’re not doing anything in the localization tool either.

Ours still says Learning Plans in both our live and sandbox areas.  I might support the theory that a super admin was trying something in the localization tool.  If only that was captured in the audit trail!  

@Annarose.Peterson  I would totally support that theory too, except I am the only super admin. :)

Posted 2 days ago
5 hours ago
2 hours ago

As you can see above things are constantly changing, I checked the audit trail to see if any of the 4 other admins was playing a trick on me, but none have made any changes in the translation. :scream:

@Adam Ballhaussen, could you address this at Docebo? The helpdesk team is not believing us, though the screenshot clearly show that fields are changing.:frowning2:

@lhubbard, then it is totally Docebo is checking to see how much we pay attention to the labels in our platforms. LOL

@Bart_at_Yamaha Motor thanks for bringing this to our attention and apologies about the helpdesk team. I’ll try to see if I can get some answers for you. Stay tuned!

@Bart_at_Yamaha Motor, I was able to locate the ticket and see that support is continuing to help with the discrepancies in your platform’s translation. If anyone else is having trouble reverting translated text, please contact support for assistance. Additionally, our support team was able to confirm that, after further checks, no changes were pushed from Docebo to customer platforms that could have impacted those tabs in the My Activities area of the platform.

To help mitigate this moving forward, we recommend the following: 
1. Provide enablement & education about the localization tool to anyone with Superadmin access in their platform (please check out this Knowledge Article and this DU course for more detailed information)
2. Have a process and system in place for all Superadmins to request, track, and document localization changes in the platform via a single admin (take a look at this helpful post from @lrnlab)

I have noticed a similar issue today - perhaps in reverse…

As I have mentioned in other posts - we are an Adobe Captivate shop.

I decided to learn the Localization Tool by making some adjustments.

One of them was to change the SCORM label under Training Materials to say Captivate Module.

This worked great but this morning - I noticed that it is not working.

I verified that my change in the Localization Tool is still there.




Yesterday we had another issue, where things were messed up in My Activities translations.
We got a message at 9:00  from a client saying that some translations were not correct Finnish, but more Estonia. When we to a look at 14:45 (busy day), we noticed it had already been changed again.
And no not by another admin, cause the client provided some translations and those that where implemented where different from the suggestions from the client.

Docebo is saying that they didn't make any changes or that their is issues with the translation memory.:cold_sweat:

Email 12-01-2022 at 9:03
Email 12-01-2022 at 14:48


I want to take a moment to thank @Bart_at_Yamaha Motor  and all others who reported and provided examples.
We have an update on this topic, we identified the cause of the issue with translations and localization keys not being applied, or not being applied correctly.
We rolled out an update on server cache that prevented keys from being served as expected; after identifying the cause, we worked on a fix to resolve.

The patch is currently being reviewed, before being released live in production environment.

We will update this thread once the update will be released.
Thank you
