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LMS User interface

Hello, we are working on a proposal to take over and refresh a training program that currently uses Docebo. I have never used it myself, although I have a lot of experience with other LMSs.

Is there a way that, when someone logs in, they don’t see every available course, but a custom menu based off their selected user profile? 

We have an interview about our proposal and one of the questions is how participants will be directed to appropriate learning within the LMS platform.

Thanks so much!

11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

there are ways to only show users the courses they are enrolled in…

  • you can design a landing page that does not show catalogues or provides access via the menu…
  • you can enable a course setting that only shows course to enrolled user in a catalogue

Not sure if you are mixing up the terms but catalogues and menus re very different things…

If you want to control what a user sees under the hamburger menu, you can do that with groups or branches. You can create a default ‘starter” group that has x # ion menu choices, then another group, based on perhaps the completion of a specific course(s) and once the user satisfies those requirements, they would gain access to a different menu (and homepage)…

hard to say from your question whether this is what you're looking for but hopefully it will give you some ideas...

Userlevel 1

Thanks - I’m a little confused too now as I’m not sure what a hamburger menu is. Here is what we will be doing:

People from the community will be encouraged to take a number of short courses on energy savings trainings. These may be commercial, residential, or focused on HVAC installers, for example. When someone signs in for the first time and creates an account, based on what they have selected as their primary interest, will their be a way that we can only show them those specific courses? Or would they see everything in the catalog and have to work their way through?

Userlevel 1

Oh and we won’t be enrolling them in the courses, they will be choosing them.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

the hamburger menu is the slide out menu on the top left...


Now if you only want to expose a specific set of courses to new users, you would need to create a catalogue with only this courses and have only that catalogue visible to users…

After that,, and once they ‘qualify’ to see the entire list of courses, you would need to use a group or branch to expose the entire catalogue to these users…

Does that help?

Userlevel 1

Thanks so much for your reply. So am I understanding this correctly?

A user is interested in home energy savings. They create an account and select “Home” as their interest. Then every time they log in they would see a catalog of only the items we have tagged as “Home”. And another user may be interested in both commercial and HVAC courses, so when they first create their account, they could select those interests and then they would only see those courses?

And I imagine there would also be a selection option for them to see the entire catalog, if they were interested. 

Thanks so much for your time helping with this.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

hmm, if you're using self registration, you mate want to create a user additional field and have them fill that out when opening an account...this field would then align them to a group and the group would control what version of the homepage and catalogue they have access to...

Userlevel 1

Oh thanks so much. So there can be different home pages? I didn’t know that. It’s really hard figuring out how to respond to their specific question when I haven’t actually seen how Docebo works. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Oh thanks so much. So there can be different home pages? I didn’t know that. It’s really hard figuring out how to respond to their specific question when I haven’t actually seen how Docebo works. 

yes indeed...we use the extended enterprise module that allows us to create separate clients under the main one and have over 40 different menu with 60 different pages...lots of options…

I might suggest you ask this questions of your account manager so they can explain all the options you can use case is a good start.

Userlevel 1

Thanks so much for your help! Really appreciated.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I would say the biggest thing to get a grasp over is menus, groups, catalogs and channels.


Menu - this dictates not just the menu but the homepage and the pages a user can access

Groups - making automated groups is essential

Catalogs - this controls access to courses

Channels - this is the “best” way to deliver courses to customized pages, typically

Userlevel 1

Thanks - this is very helpful. Clarifies the terminology for me really well!
