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is there a feature where managers could easily reassign content. We have a few lessons users like revisit, and sometimes need to be reenrolled in. Currently, if a manager attempts to assign a lesson that’s already been taken through My Team page, the lesson is just locked.

@lotihig137 - hi - so let me disambiguate something - a person can only be enrolled in a course once - if they were an admin OR a manager - this stands true unless the enrollment for the user is archived. Right now that can be done manually by an admin.

If they (the learner) have their enrollment changed/archived - as in totally removed/archived by an admin - they can be re-enrolled in a course. Managers cannot do that on their own unless they are a power user with some level of enrollment privileges.

BUT - once a course is completed - nothing is stopping a manager from “redeploying” a course with a shareable link.

Also note - that training materials within a course can be reset - but typically the course status will correspond to the first completion date of said training material. Unless a course enrollment has been archived, and again - for all intended purposes - it is acting as a new enrollment for the learner.

There are some plans from product moving along with being able to auto-archive enrollments of web based training...I think once that is available - some of this game can change.
