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marking course completions

  • 8 February 2022
  • 16 replies

I don't know whether Docebo has updated in this are since we tested but we seem to get inconsistent results in regards to manually completing a course.  Perhaps someone can clarify.

I want to be able to manually go into a course and retrospectively add a completion date in.  e.g. someone may have completed a course 2 months ago but for whatever reason they are not in the system.  (e.g. they may have forgotten to sign the register).  

I can see that i can enrol someone and add an old date as the completion date, but sometimes it works and the user see their old date, but other times it doesn’t and shows todays date.  Sometimes it works, but the certificate shows the wrong date.  

Is there a fool proof setting that allows us to set up sessions or courses that allow you to manual record the correct (historic) date of training.

Hi @KTJD, I was always under the impression you couldn't enter a date of completion.  This is a huge bug bear for us, as our admins enter attendance after an event for a lot of our legal training, and the date shows as the date it was entered, not the date it was actually completed.  I’d be interested to know how you have got to entering a date if you wouldn’t mind sharing?

(Sorry I am no help for your question though :rolling_eyes: )

so i’ve literally tried this morning for a group of people who were booked on a test course for yesterday which wasnt marked as completed.  i went in an marked as complete for yesterdays date and it totally worked (certifcate as well).  So i added a new person to that event this morning thinking perhaps it wont work for peple enrolled after the event, and it totallt worked correctly again.  So perhaps there has been an update as im sure this didnt work before and i was told you couldnt do this.


By the way, i just went to the session, edited the enrolment and there was an option to choose a completion date 


so its now working how i want it, but i could have sworn this didnt work before.

Oh wow - there has been an update then by the looks of things.  I’ve not seen that before (but must be honest I don’t have much to do with that side anymore).  This will be awesome for my admins - best make sure they know about it!  Thanks @KTJD !

If you click ‘change status’ on the user enrollment sub menu it will just use today’s date. If you click ‘edit enrollment’ it allows you to enter any date. It has been that way for me since January First of this year. (we’re new, so I can’t speak to what it used to be).


We use this all the time to track prior completions especially during a new implementation or migration. There are some great APIs that can also do the job quite well including tracking grades.

Anyone any further forward on this issue? I seem to be having what you have said above. I have found that Power Users do not have the ability to ‘edit status’ to then backdate the course completion (apparently this fix is coming in January) so not able to backdate this way.

I can as a superadmin use the ‘edit status’, however when I do and backdate it works if it is the first time the user has completed the course. If the course has retraining attached and user is therefore completing the course again, even when using the ‘edit status’ and backdating it takes todays date for the retraining.

HI @gemmalittle check your permissions...a PU can change the status to Completed and once this is done, they can change the completion date. Here’s a view of our PU access to this function 



HI @gemmalittle check your permissions...a PU can change the status to Completed and once this is done, they can change the completion date. Here’s a view of our PU access to this function 




I have logged in as a Power User and when editing enrolments I only have these options 

 This is how the enrolments are set up on the power user profile as you can see they have all permissions.


The option of editing the date can only be done by a superadmin and Docebo have confirmed this too.

As a superuser I get the edit enrolment below


@gemmalittle hard to say...the PU who can edit the date has almost all permissions assigned. Perhaps you can build a test PU profile with all permissions to get to the Edit Enrolment option. I can clearly see it, use it as a PU on my end so I know it works. Unfortunately I cannot say what combination of permissions is providing that access specifically...may be something to do with “course edit” options perhaps?

Thanks for your reply again


This is what I have on the PU profile, I cant imagine anything would stop this. Also when I have reached out to Docebo Support they have said that this is not an option for the PU.


Can I ask when you go to edit is it an ILT course or Elearning?



I've been working on this issue for a few weeks.

A power user with the appropriate rights can edit a completion date after entering a comlletion. If there's a certification attached to the course, I've found that the associated certification entry must be manually edited.

We do not use Docebo certificates so I can't speak to that issue. 

Hi Billso


Looking at my image above on how I have the Power User profile set up what am I missing?


We use both Docebo certificates and retraining for the expiry dates. I have found that if you go straight to edit completion and change the date whilst changing the status all dates are correct on certificates and retraining. However if you change to complete and allow to complete with todays date then go in to edit it does not change the dates right through.


So my first issue is getting it onto the PU profile.


Then once that is sorted my second issue is that when the retraining has triggered as the course has expired, the user presses the ‘Renew now’ button, this changes the course status back to enrolled. This time around when we complete with backdated date it gives todays date for the retraining and certificate rather than the backdated date (again only done by superadmin as PU profile not allowing). So the behaviour second time completing the course is different to the first time.

@gemmalittle that PU profile looks correct to me. We are hitting similar limits when dealing with recertification due dates in Docebo. I am hoping that a fix that allows retrainings will come in 2023, as the workarounds are tricky. 

@gemmalittle I believe they can do either.

I have worked it out, the ‘waiting subscription’ needs to be on courses in order for the edit on enrolments to work.
