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Maybe...the BEST IDEA EVER - but I wanted to do a pulse check - localizing reports

So I just got into the international learning business….yay!

I want to run a report for our Spanish speaking partners so it would be polite to send along the appropriate headers in Spanish.

And if I change the system preferences to Spanish and do a manual run? I get that to happen.

But what if I want to schedule up a report in a different language?

Did I miss a place where you can do that? Or do I have to be clever and work the workaround of creating a poweruser that has Spanish as their language of preference and establish the report in Spanish for them to deliver it?

The best idea ever would be to add a language preference to the report.

Ok...ok...maybe this is not the most clever thing...and maybe even the idea is out there. but it would help when you are in the international learning business and you need others to read your reports without them mumbling below their breath that it was sent in a different language.

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