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What is the best way to manage duplicate courses? Is there a way to merge two courses and still maintain the sessions/events/enrollments/completions?

Not to by knowledge but what an interesting feature that would be

@lrnlab we had that feature in our last LMS and it really helped keep the database more tidy since we had several admins entering completion data.

Yeah, nothing native, closest I’ve gotten is basically exporting info on one and importing it into the other.

I've only seen the user account merge and not the course merge in other LMSs that I've used. Interesting.

@Susan Powell - good morning - can you go one step deeper? And describe the use case.  Maybe there are pieces of the puzzle that are available that can help.

Something like: I have course A and I want to move all the enrollments over to course B (which the system does support via the UI when you copy a course).

Is it that both courses are active? Are you looking to use a third course as a “container” only?

@Bfarkas are you able to import the student progress, too? I don’t think there’s a way, but just thought I’d ask before I import and then update the progress manually for each student. 😊 Thanks!

(Backstory - we have two identical classes that we present to different audiences because each needed a unique certificate. That is no longer the case so we want to merge the two courses, enrollment, progress, etc. if possible.)

When I did the importing, I did it via API so yes I could set statuses, not progress through packages/modules but overall course status. 
