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We are beginning to host a 37 week course, that is 4 days a week for 2 hours each day. We have two different groups, an AM group and a PM group. 

What is the best way to build this out? I’ve built and tested an ILT event import which works great. My only concern is that users will receive 148 invites (we have the Outlook session invites through Docebo Connect), one for each event. 

Is there a better way to build this out? Does anyone have experience with multi-week, multi-day trainings?

Thank you in advance!

Notifications are sent based on the Sessions not the Events so if all your events are in a single session, they would only get 1 email (user enrolled in ILT session template)

I get 1 email per event, not per session. I did a test run with 3 days and it gave me 3 notifications for all 3 days, under the single session.

That’s odd...I just tried it again with the template, User enrolled in ILT Session and got 1 email with all 3 events listed + I calendar attachment that added all 3 events to my calendar...If it’s not working this way for you perhaps reach out to support to ask.

I am not sure if the Connector can be turned off for specific courses, but ​@lrnlab is correct.  If you use the platform notification with the event User enrolled into ILT session, the user will receive one email for the entire session, with the listing of all events and the calendar attachment. 

We usually include instructions in our notification about how users can open the attachment and add them to our calendars. 

Yes you can selectively turn OFF the use of Connect at the course and/or session level; if that is the source of your issue.

Thank you, both! 

When we went through implementation, the ILT notification wasn’t going to work due to a lack of calendar invites. Now I see that’s updated. I appreciate the insight from you both! 
