Hi I am setting up an assessment and I have a multiple choice question that is formatted as "select all that apply" there are 3 correct answers, and all 3 must be selected in order for the answer to be correct.
I don't see a way to connect the three answers so that all must be selected.
We want to set it up so if you select 2 of the 3 then it would still be incorrect.
Please advise.
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Not sure what you mean by connected but the way you have it now is correct...just make sure to add a sore for each choice...I usually grant 1 point/question so that would be 0.33 for 2 answers and 0.34 for the last making the total 1 point.
You can ding them for choosing the incorrect answer as well if you want to grant only a partial score. If not, you can calculate a number that would grant a zero score if the user selects the incorrect choice...I would try a score of -1.0...see if that works
Hi Thanks for your response.
By connected I mean I want them to have to select ALL 3 correct answers to be given the 1 point.
Meaning if they pick 2 out of the 3 they would still be wrong and would not get the point.
Currently, it provides them part of the point if they select 1 or 2 correct answers…
Does this make more sense now?
you would have to get creative with the math and add a negative score to your correct answers...here’s an example of what you can do with the scoring...User view:
Admin set-up:
You don’t have to go through setting up the question points this way if you want this to be the behavior for all multiple choice questions across your platform. There is a setting from the Advanced Settings → E-Learning options as a Superadmin that will automatically ensure that users who only select partially correct answers are marked incorrect.
From Admin Gear → Advanced Settings → E-Learning
Thx @trose23 good option if you want all exams with these questions types to behave the same way. If you prefer to have the option for each test, you can still use the scoring method.
Thanks both, really appreciate your insight here.
If I go into the back end and make it so that it automatically marks partially correct answers are marked incorrect, can i go in and revert it back to the original method after the assessment is over?
I believe we will only be carrying out this one assessment on that day.
Meaning can i change it, have them do the assessment, then change it back afterwards?
Does that make sense?
Thanks both, really appreciate your insight here.
If I go into the back end and make it so that it automatically marks partially correct answers are marked incorrect, can i go in and revert it back to the original method after the assessment is over?
I believe we will only be carrying out this one assessment on that day.
Meaning can i change it, have them do the assessment, then change it back afterwards?
Does that make sense?
I’m not sure, honestly. We’ve never toggled the option on and off. I would assume that turning it off after the assessment was completed wouldn’t retroactively alter the scores of users who have already taken the assessment and been graded, but I don’t know that for sure and have not tested it.
You may want to run a test of that scenario before you try to implement it. I would suggest to take the test as yourself or a test profile with the setting on, intentionally make a mistake on the multiple choice question so that it marks you incorrect, make sure you export the results and/or take screen shots for comparison, and then afterwards turn the setting off, return to the test, and see if anything has changed. If the assessment is really long you could also always create a test assessment to try this on as well.
Since this is a global setting, turning it ON then OFF could have an effect on other course that have the question types. It’s a risk you take so be sure to test, test, test to be sure that only what you need behaves the way you want it to. We tend not to use that option because it’s a globe setting and cannot be changed at the test level...