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New Reports - not being CCed per platform setting - bug or feature?

  • 2 March 2022
  • 7 replies

I have been hesitant to utilize the New Reports because they do not give real time information, but last week I decided to give them another shot…

I set up a series of reports to send on the first of the month to some organization leadership, but when the 1st rolled around, I didn’t receive a copy. ( I have the setting in the platform to CC a certain email address all emails the platform sends). I confirmed with one of the leaders that the report did send to them, but I didn’t receive a copy.

Are the new reports exempt from the “CC all platform emails” setting as a feature? or is this a bug?

Anyone else notice this with scheduling emails from New Reports?

HI @Dahveed not 100% but I dont think the platform “CC” option works for reports that are scheduled. I use both version of reports and have never received a copy of an emailed report. you might want to confirm this with Docebo support to be sure.

Hi @lrnlab !

I do receive emails for the “old” reports that are scheduled. It has saved my skin more than once when someone trashes their report before viewing it or claims they never got it. Those CCed platform emails are critical for me. 

interesting...perhaps it was because I ran most of the reports and I was the “CC” as well...+ this was in our sandbox so not many scheduled reports happening there.

@Dahveed - Hey I think it is not cc’ed from New Reports. Nothing hard to change - tack on the email in the schedule configuration...

@dklinger absolutely! … but that only works for reports I create, not reports others create.

The CCing from platform has helped save me from having to dig in to figure out why a report didn’t run and doing tech support. If I see it in my box, then I know its a user issue not a system issue.

I’m hoping a Docebian can weigh in on the bug vs. feature aspect. (I did put in a help ticket, but they are also unsure.)

If its a bug then it can get fixed, if its a feature then I need to put some procedures in place for folks using New Reports.

Since we’re newer to the system, I’ve only used New Reports as to not get overly vested in the reports that will eventually go away. I have one report that is scheduled daily, and over the past 2 months there have been about 5-7 days where it didn’t trigger. After talking with Support they determined the nightly data update was getting hung up, therefore the report wasn’t processing and not triggering the email. It was concerning that the update occurs at midnight and the email doesn’t trigger until about 4:40 am, and we don’t have that many reports running yet. They needed to increase some stuff with AWS. I say stuff, because I don’t know what exactly was increased, but since the change about 2 weeks ago, we’ve been good so far.  Might be worth talking to your account folks to see if they can do some digging in the background.

@Dahveed If you want a copy of a scheduled report, simply add your email address to the list of recipients. That’s how I get 30-50 reports a day. 

I do this mostly to confirm that the data pool/report extraction/email schedule is working correctly. If I don’t get reports in my inbox, then I know something is amiss.
