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New self-registered user: How best to notify power user?

  • 8 February 2022
  • 2 replies

We’re working on a project where it’s a high priority that barriers to access are as low as possible which is why we’ve opted for free self-registration where users are forwarded to the LMS and can start learning right after registration without any confirmation.

Intended behavior: When a user self-registers, a notification is sent to a facilitator@… email address


  • As part of the program, a facilitator reaches out to new users.
  • There are multiple facilitators that share a facilitator@… email address for all communication with learners.
  • The idea is that each facilitator gets a folder in that shared email address. Once they reach out to the user, they move the notification email to their own folder
  • I created a power user account and profile for that email address just for that purpose, I only need a notification that triggers when a user self-registers (without confirmation)

Things that failed:

  • “User Created” notifications: They are “by admin” or “confirmed registration” only and don’t trigger on self-registration without confirmation.
  • “User email address must be verified” notification only has users as a possible target role
  • “User has been enrolled into a learning plan”: We have multiple learning plans and I don’t want the email address cluttered with 3-4 learning plan emails
  • “Learner completed a course” notification: This would be too late unless we create a mini course with the sole purpose of sending this notification. I’m hesitant to do that as the learning plan is already 14 courses long and it looks a bit overwhelming (user experience is a major factor for this project, and feeling overwhelmed is a barrier we need to avoid)
  • Notification when user is added to a group: I can’t auto-assign a group at self-registration

I’m looking for a solution that is easy to understand and maintain for someone who takes over admin duties, so the least workaround-y the better. Any suggestions?

@LSP you can create a “simple” welcome course and use the enrollment rule to automatically enroll all new users into that course (branch->course).

First option would be to create a notification “user enrolled in a course” that is sent to power users.

If you want to make it more specific, you can add the feedback@ user as the instructor for that course, and create a notification “user enrolled in a course” that is sent only to instructors.


Alternatively (if you want to use other logic, that will be based on groups) still using the same course, you can create an automatic group, based on the enrollment status for that course (equal to ‘Subscribed’) and then add an email notification for ‘User subscribed to a group’.

The advantage of that approach would be that once the user’s enrollment status will change to in progress or completed, they will automatically be removed from the group (so you can for example stop sending them reminders to start their onboarding).

Oh, nice, your second suggestion is close to what I had originally considered but apparently hadn’t thought through far enough, I was missing one step. Cool to see that I wasn’t that far off!

Turns out “User Created” notifications may work after all, but I’ll need to test it some more. But otherwise I’ll do your second suggestion. Thanks!
