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A quick question:

You enroll people in a learning plan.

  That LP has courses in it.

You establish a course enrollment message to fire off on enrollment (not the LP message).

Will the course enrollment message do its thing because of containership?

As in - by enrolling in an LP you are also enrolling a person into a course(s).



So the answer is yes - by means of containership - when you enroll in an LP you are enrolling in a course. The course enrollment messages will get triggered if you have one for it.


We have been experiencing notification delays. I believe it comes down to some new toys/email filtering appliances on my end.

So you heard me being paranoid.


not fair answering your own questions LOL…

For LP’s we usually opt NOT to send the course notificaitons when we can (when the courses are unique to the LP). Otherwise too much spam.

not fair answering your own questions LOL…

For LP’s we usually opt NOT to send the course notificaitons when we can (when the courses are unique to the LP). Otherwise too much spam.


feeling silly today? 😜
